Two New Resources @ SunHELP

Posted by Bill Bradford on May 30, 2005

For years, Celeste Stokely and Stokely Consulting have provided two of the most-used sites for UNIX administrators and users everywhere, Stokely’s UNIX Serial Port Resources and UNIX Sysadmin Resources.

I’m proud to announce that as of May 30th, 2005, I’ve taken over hosting and maintenance of these two sites, and you can now find them here:
SunHELP UNIX Serial Port Resources and SunHELP UNIX Sysadmin Resources.

I’d like to thank Celeste for giving me the chance to continue providing these resources to the UNIX system administrator and user community.

One response to “Two New Resources @ SunHELP”

  1. Mike Spooner says:

    Great! Celeste’s Solaris Modem/Serial HOWTO is **THE** reference on the
    subject – I’d hate to see it disappear.