Invitation for Solaris/Linux mashup

Posted by Mike on Jun 13, 2007

According to this article, Linus Torvalds hinted that OpenSolaris might push the Linux kernel to adopt the General Public License version 3 (GPL3). Additionally, Linus has reservation regarding Sun’s sincerity towards open-source software. A copy of Linus’ cynical email is here.

On June 13, Jonathan Schwartz responded to Linus’ reservation with an an invitation for dinner at his house and for the possibility of a Solaris/Linux mashup. More information on Jonathan Schwartz’s invitation is located at his blog and another article from regarding the issue.

One response to “Invitation for Solaris/Linux mashup”

  1. Luke says:

    Who cares what little Linus thinks. He’s a relative nobody at this point in the game. He still has some build up vendetta from the early days against Sun. Similar to Ellison vs Gates.