Solaris Express Build 60 is out!

Posted by Ben Rockwood on Jul 14, 2004

Solaris Express 7/04, aka Beta5, aka Build 60, is out! In the previous post the big ticket features were listed, but thanks to SunBlogs we can see some neat features no listed in the whats new. Amoung the favorites would be a new truss option to show how long each syscall takes (-E), inclusion of the BitStream Vera fonts, USB End-User support enhansments, fixes to the “remaining” Mozilla install bugs, several exciting new functions for DTrace, and don’t forget about the resource management goodies! Run, don’t walk, for the ISO’s now. And in case you missed last months release, don’t forget that CD0 (the worthless Webstart installer disk) is gone, you now must download all 3 iso’s.

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