UNIX Sysadmin Resources – FAQs S

This content was originally created, collected, and maintained by Stokely Consulting.
As of May 2005, it is being hosted and maintained by Bill Bradford.

Jump to: Samba | SCSI | SCO | Silicon Graphics | SNMP FAQs & Agents | Sybase | SysAdm Books


Samba: This is THE software to connect your Microsoft Windows *, NT, Apple, and OS/2 clients to Unix for file and print sharing. When we found that our existing NT NFS software blew up NT 4.0, we got Samba running in less than 3 hours on SunOS 4.1.4 and Solaris 2.x.
Using Samba is a great book from O’Reilly, written by Eckstein, Collier-Brown and Kelly. The entire book is available online in HTML or PDF, or you can order a hardcopy version.br>
Samba books by John Terpstra.”Samba-3 By Example: Practical Exercises to Successful Deployment” is a cookbook of configuration files, step-by-step instructions and automated scripts. “The Official Samba-3 HOWTO and Reference Guide” is written to be the definitive guide to using Samba-3.


comp.periphs.scsi FAQ page also includes SCSI humor, good info on 68-to-50 adapter wiring problems, and mis-behaved SCSI devices.


A.P. Lawrence SCO Tips, articles, programs is full of how-tos, support tips, book reviews, programs, and a neat SCO Unix skills test.
comp.unix.sco FAQs are full of useful tips and how-tos for SCO system administrators, programmers, and users. Maintained by Tony Lawrence.
SCO Web page
FTP site of full SCO newsgroup archives


The Buying an SGI System FAQ (formerly the Buying an Old SGI System FAQ)
SGI Support, full of technical publications, FAQs, and more.
SGI FAQs from the SGI FAQ group.

SNMP FAQs & Agents:

SNMP.com, home of SNMP Research International, offers SNMP products and services. They also provide the extremely useful SNMP FAQ: Part 1 and Part 2
USEC Resources Page provides information about the status of the User-based Security Model (USEC, or SNMPv2u) which adds strong security and a no-frills administrative infrastructure to the SNMPv2 framework. The spec has been published as an experimental protocol. (SNMPv2 is also experimental.)


Sybase FAQs from the International Sybase User Group
Sybase Inc. main site

SysAdm Books:

The SAGE Sysadmin’s Bookshelf has information about the "most thumbed" reference books on sysadm desks. Includes books on general sysadm, programming and languages, security and firewalls, networks, Web, and more.