UNIX Sysadmin Resources – Searching the Internet
This content was originally created, collected, and maintained by Stokely Consulting.
As of May 2005, it is being hosted and maintained by Bill Bradford.
There are many search engines on the Web. We don’t try to list them all, just the good ones that we like to use.
excite A good classic Web search engine.
Focus on Linux – miningco.com is a human- and technology-powered search engine with a great set of Unix information, even a Unix chat room (java powered). Part of the miningco.com/About suite of search sites.
Google is a great starting point for all our web searches. Fast, extensive searching.
iTools Dictionaries, thesaurus, translators, find biographies, quotes, bible references, geographical info, phone numbers, currency, stock symbols and quotes, postal info, listservs. Sometimes their search engines are broken, though.
ScriptSearch is a huge catalog of contributed scripts you can use for Web development. Lots of samples in Perl, Java, JavaScript, Tcl, Shell, Applescript, VB, C/C++ and other languages. Well organized.
SunSolve Online An in-depth, customer-accessible collection of patches, symptom and resolution databases, bugs, early notifier info, and FAQs. It is a great reason to have a Sun Support contract, but there are some patches and info for non-contract customers, too.
Sun System News (formerly known as FlashBack) Search the electronic newsletter for Sun users to find products and services for the Sun market.
Tile Net Search for mailing lists, Usenet newsgroups, ftp sites, and vendors.
Yahoo This is a good starting point for most general Web searches.