[geeks] SGI info

David Michaud geeks at sunhelp.org
Wed Apr 11 04:45:18 CDT 2001

Bill Bradford wrote:
> Dont buy any R3K-based SGI boxen unless you REALLY want them - last
> IRIX that will run on them is 5.3.
> BTW, Indys should be down around the $200 mark now..
> Bill

That may be true, but R3k machines are still very useful... Esp. if you
have, for example, a quad processor R3kSC-40 power series, or even
better, a predator rack Power Series with up to eight processors. And
they're dirt cheap. Besides, there's the size/power-eating factor...

David Michaud                                 Keywire Technologies, Inc
www.blenderology.com                            cshell at blenderology.com
      --== IRIX - Solaris - HP-UX - OSF/1 - AIX - VMS - BSD ==--

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