[geeks] Custom case id

James Fogg geeks at sunhelp.org
Fri Apr 27 08:08:24 CDT 2001

The last watercooled system I worked with was an IBM system 390 (circa
1984?). The water reservoir and cooling tower was the water fountain in front
of the building. There was a heat exchanger involved, since the "water" in the
system was actually glycol. I could never consider an open loop system because
of the issues of introduced elements (iron, etc) and ph instability causing
corrosion of the cooling surfaces. In fact, most "real" systems don't use water
for those reasons (its an issue in closed loops too).

Someone makes a freon based cpu cooler. That would be a better idea.

On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, THOU SPAKE:
> Bill,
> I'm invloved in a watercooling project right now actually, My wife saw the
> watercooling setups and decided she wanted it for her PC, along with a case
> window.
> That paicture in particular is a SuperMicro Server Cube case with a Danger
> Den Radiator, along with an aquarium pump and what looks like a sparkle
> (SPI) power supply. 	From the valve structure on top I'm guessing this is a
> semi-open-loop system which would be connected to an external water
> reservoir. However it would be unusual for an open-loop system to have such
> a large radiator so I'm not sure.
> I personally prefer closed loob system with a small internal reservoir and
> large radiator.
> THere's a new case on the market from www.koolance.com that has a built in
> closed-loop water cooling system with CPU, motherboard, video card, hard
> drive, and power supply cooling built in. Aparently the case is as quiet as
> my laptop while still allowing for massive overclocking. I'm seriously
> considering it for my athlon system (a T-Bird 800 running at 950)
> If you are interested in watercooling check out the following web sites
> www.dangerden.com
> www.virtualhideout.com
> www.hardocp.com
> www.overclockers.com
> Chris Byrne
> -----Original Message-----
> From: geeks-admin at sunhelp.org [mailto:geeks-admin at sunhelp.org]On Behalf
> Of William Staniewicz
> Sent: 26 April 2001 15:43
> To: geeks at sunhelp.org
> Subject: [geeks] Custom case id
> I came across this picture in reference to a setup for
> water cooling to allow overclocking.
> http://www.geocities.com/wilby98/whatis.jpg
> There was no id to what components were used to
> make this but I was curious if anyone on the list could
> identify some of them.
> What is the case and what's inside?
> 		-Bill
> 		Amsterdam
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