[geeks] Favorite mailer

geeks at sunhelp.org geeks at sunhelp.org
Fri Aug 3 15:40:00 CDT 2001

Nnimap for gnus, which is a nice mail/news reader, just not my fave.


powerful, pop support with the vm package. To configure pop access in vm=
the configuration file $HOME/.vm
      should contain a line
      (setq vm-spool-files '("mail.ifh.de:110:pass:USERNAME:*"))
      where USERNAME has to be replaced by the accountname.=20

Looking around, I believe at this time that most of the really good mode=
(ie anything beyond rmail and mail) support both.

http://www.faqs.org/faqs/mail/mh-faq/part1/preamble.html (some outdated =

info, the current dirstirbution should be better)

and, looking on mail list archives, VM and mh-e both support IMAP4 and=20
pop3 at this time.

Best thing to do, if you already use emacs, is grab the packages with=20
info docs and go for it. :)

-Christof (who needs to stop playing and compile emacs again)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 8/3/01, 1:22:13 PM, <koyote at koyote.cx> wrote regarding Re: [geeks]=20
Favorite mailer:

> > I've been meaning to try an Emacs-based mailer for some time. I need=

> > pop/IMAP support, as well as GPG, so RMAIL doesn't do the job. What =
> you
> > use?

> I usually use mh-e. I tend to get my pop support through fetchmail.

> I've never had to use imap... I should look up support for that.

> -Christof

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