[geeks] motorolla powerstack?

joshua d boyd geeks at sunhelp.org
Wed Aug 8 15:34:28 CDT 2001

On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 01:30:39PM -0700, koyote at koyote.cx wrote:
> Well, it looks like 72pin simms, which I don't have any of *sigh*
> and it appears to be pci.
> q: will it boot headless?

> q: does it have enough power to do graphics? (I can put a cdrom and a graphics card with video and cable functions in it....)

Err, how do you mean.  As a gimp station?  Yes, but probably not the
best.  As just a graphic terminal, sure plenty.
> Looks like a good addition to either the stereo rack or a decent firewall machine from here.

Should be more than powerfull enough for MP3s if that's what you mean by
the stereo rack.  

BTW, on machines like this (meaning any non intel PCI machine) that can
boot headless, is it possible to use plain PCI video cards?  I know that
some video cards from the intel worlds won't work on the Mac without being
reflashed (assuming that they can be reflashed), but if the machine boots
to a serial console, would Xfree still be able to use the cards anyway?

If so, then that would bring a lot of life for older machines cus we could
start slapping G200s and PCI ATI cards in them, and having some 3D

Joshua D. Boyd

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