T1s et al (was Re: [geeks] News server access)

James Sharp geeks at sunhelp.org
Tue Aug 14 12:09:48 CDT 2001

> why?  would Frame-Relay have been TONS better for something like that?
> definitely would have been tons cheaper.  but why the long haul Ts?  that's
> insane.  no, i take that back, Mack has a couple E1s that are strung from
> France (renault) to Mack HQ (eastern, PA) so it's hard to say (yeah, there is
> an E1 that terminates in the US, go figure *G*)

Couldn't deal with the latency introduced by frame relay.  The LA/PA
circuits were running interactive serial terminal sessions.  The sometimes
300ms delay through the frame cloud was really pissing off the data entry
clerks who were entering things at 190-220 wpm.

The SA/Mex City circuits were carrying voice over IP traffic.  Latency
really kills those things.

James - pondering moonlighting as a network engineer again.

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