[geeks] What is a managed hub, and why would you want one?

Chris Byrne geeks at sunhelp.org
Tue Aug 14 15:00:08 CDT 2001

Typically speaking a managed hub has the ability to report SNMP statistics,
and may be able to have port settings changed via SNMP, web, console etc...
while running.

Those small linksys switches are pretty cool for a basic environment, but as
they dont support any spanning tree management (or really much management at
all) I wouldnt use a bunch of them on a flat network

Chris Byrne

-----Original Message-----
From: geeks-admin at sunhelp.org [mailto:geeks-admin at sunhelp.org]On Behalf
Of Ken Hansen
Sent: 14 August 2001 20:56
To: 'geeks at sunhelp.org'
Subject: [geeks] What is a managed hub, and why would you want one?

A reseller I bumped into last night was offering managed Cisco "micro" 8
port 10/100hubs for $49 - seemed like a decent deal, but I'm not quite sure
what the difference is?

Could someone please explain? How would these be better than, say, a Linksys
10/100 switch at a similar price-point (5 port switch $45 +/-)?


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