Cray Porn (was Re: [geeks] big mike?)

Ken Hansen geeks at
Tue Aug 14 21:35:06 CDT 2001

Oh, if Chandra was only on this list... ;^P
(Is "fully loaded E10K your pet name for her? ;^)

When I hear the word "Vector,", my one hand deforms and a saying goes though
my head:

    "i hat, j hat, and k hat"

And my had starts twitching...

Too much physics, not enough beer...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter L. Wargo" <pwargo at>
To: <geeks at>
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 10:02 PM
Subject: Cray Porn (was Re: [geeks] big mike?)

> Ya see, Kurt, there comes a time in any man's life when he feels a need.
> A need for a certain something...
> There comes a time when a young man feels the throbbing passion for...
>                 VECTOR SUPERCOMPUTING!
> I get my fix by logging into at least one fully-loaded E10K a day.  Not
> vector, but not bad.

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