[geeks] @home has finally done it...

Kurt Huhn geeks at sunhelp.org
Sun Aug 19 14:02:48 CDT 2001

> > I'll bet you many DSL providers have similar rules.  You'll either have
> > to buckle down and use your home connection as a client only, or pay for
> > the kind of service you really want.
> Fortunately, speakeasy lets you do pretty much what you want.  They even
> have a 'sysadmin' plan.  However, they cost a lot more than cable, so
> you get what you pay for.  I found their installation, billing, and
> support to be top-notch.  They have a great online tool that lets you
> watch the correspondance between them, the CLEC, and Bell.
> However, they were pushing Covad, and they're gone, so I dunno who they
> push for SDSL now.  Maybe they just supply bell ADSL?

I saw that - and even at the added expense of moving to Speakeasy - they're
still the least expensive option in my area by an average of $30.
Recognizing that there *are* folks out there that have a very good
understanding of technology can do nothing but help them.  I've heard that
their customer service is top-notch too.  I'd like to say that the customer
service reps at Cox (the local @home affiliate) are extremely helpful and
pleasant - even if they don't have a clue.  At least they admit they don't
have a clue, and try to get me someone who does.

I got scared when I saw that Covad filed for chapter 11 - but I'm not all
that concerened.  Even if Covad goes under, Speakeasy should be able to
provide service through any number of Bells - and I'm sure a Covad-like
company will pop up in it's place if does go under.

It was only recently that DSL was even available here - and I've been
looking for an excuse to switch anyway.

Still disgusted - but at least now I've resigned myself to the inevitable...


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