[geeks] Re: "Word Processing" != productive use of one's time....

joshua d boyd geeks at sunhelp.org
Sun Aug 19 23:23:36 CDT 2001

On Sun, Aug 19, 2001 at 01:52:17PM -0500, Reagen B . Ward wrote:
> I agree that almost all modern word processors decrease productivity.
> For small docs like letters, memos, etc, I still use WriteNow.  For
> documents, I use LyX/LaTeX, as it removes my need to worry about
> formatting and typesetting.
> A side-effect of folks getting used to bad word processors is the fact
> that few books use footnotes anymore, and quite a few reference
> tables/images that aren't even on the same page!  I attribute it to two
> things:
> 1.  Folks got used to programs that couldn't do it and gave up, never
> readjusting when the software was fixed.

I had to manage a book in Word.  I had enough trouble with getting the
tables and images that if an occasional one wasn't on the same page, I let
it slide.  I could literally spend hours finding over some of the more
atrocios formatting gaffes that Word spit out, and sometimes it wasn't
worth it.  People weren't impressed when I pointed out the LaTeX would
make it a cinche.

Joshua D. Boyd

IANAL: I am not a [lama|lawyer|luser|leper].

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