[geeks] Re: [rescue] hrm.

Gregory Leblanc geeks at sunhelp.org
Wed Aug 22 19:39:58 CDT 2001

/me tries to move this to geeks once again.  I blame Bill.  :)
On 23 Aug 2001 01:07:22 +0100, Paul Sladen wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, joshua d boyd wrote:
> Telsa Gwynne.  Anyone, my claim to fame is that I was once standing
> at a Conference, and somebody from `Linux UK' came up with a T-Shirt
> tapped me on the shoulder from behind, asking:
>   "Are you Telsa Cox?"
> To which I said:
>   "No, but that's Telsa /Gwynne/"
> indicating off to one side.  Anyway; I managed to wrange a free
T-Shirt out
> of that one =-).  And, yes, I do have long flowing hair:
>   http://www.paul.sladen.org/i/saintpaul-15percent.jpg

Hmm, you don't look anything like Telsa.  You don't even look much like
Alan.  I should see if I can find some pictures of Liam and Alan
together.  Both have long hair, both have bushy beards.  Everybody was
getting them confused at GUADEC this April.

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