[geeks] Compose Key

Kurt Huhn geeks at sunhelp.org
Fri Dec 7 20:17:38 CST 2001

> Here (central PA) we have variety.  Luxury cars haven't totally lost their
> appeal (on these roads they are probably safer too), plus we also have
> mobiles, and quite a lot of redneck trucks.  A woman in a large pickup
truck is
> only slightly less common than a woman in a SUV.

At least the women driving the pickup trucks are liable to ACTUALLY USE THE

...sorry.  I hate it when I see a vehicle with a 5800lb GVWR carry nothing
but car seats and groceries....

Shit.  My pickemuptruck has a GVWR of 6400 lb.  I had it loaded to *at
least* that the other day.


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