[geeks] Hrm. Suspicious

Joshua D Boyd geeks at sunhelp.org
Tue Dec 11 17:59:55 CST 2001

On Tue, Dec 11, 2001 at 06:57:59PM -0500, s at avoidant.org wrote:
> Dave McGuire wrote:
> >   In this country there exists a general feeling that dealing in cash
> > is wrong or "shady" in some way.  While I generally don't consider
> > myself to be a conspiracy theorist, I believe this idea has been
> > propagated by our government because cash is much more difficult for
> > them to track than more "respectable" methods of money transfer.
> Yep. You ever notice the poly/metal threads in $10 and higher
> denomination currency for the past ten years or so? I have a friend who
> firmly believes it's detectable, and that large amounts of cash in
> private posession *are* tracked by sensors of some sort, down to
> quantity of individual denominations.
> He and I used to pull the threads out. He kept them in a box and swore
> he was going to make a sweater out of them and wear it to the airport to
> test his theory. 
> For all I know, he may have done it, I haven't heard from him in
> years...

Tell him to run the wrong way down an escalator while wearing that sweater.

Joshua D. Boyd

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