[geeks] Hrm. Suspicious

Ken Hansen geeks at sunhelp.org
Wed Dec 12 06:32:12 CST 2001

--- s at avoidant.org wrote:
> "Peter L. Wargo" wrote:
> > > How so? I still have older bills without
> threads. Did they suddenly lose
> > > their value like all the Sparc 20's out there?
> > 
> > Hey!  I dunno about most of you, but I find the
> SS20 to be more valuable
> > than an Ultra-1 right now.  Right Ken?
> How so? I admit, I love my SS20, but that's mostly
> because it has three

I think Pete was making reference to the Ultra 1-170s
I was able to get so affordably, and then resell for a
still quite affordable price (slightly more than the
value of the installed RAM & HD bracket, if eBay is
any indication...). I have one or two SS/20s, and the
multi-head function is very nice, but the speed and
longer projected supported life (compared with the
SS/20/Sun4m platform *at this point in time*) could
tip the scales towards the Ultra 1.

Ultra 1-170s can be had for about/under $150, and an
SS/20 with similar RAM and an SM-71 should be
available for about the same (the former does *not*
include a framebuffer, the latter would, in this
example) - but for certain applications, the U1-170
would "clean the SS/20s clock". But, in certain
applications the SS/20 would "clean the Ultras clock."

Just an opinion, based on limited experience with


n2vip at yahoo.com

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