[geeks] new lists? 8-)

Doctor Obnox Son of a Bitch geeks at sunhelp.org
Thu Dec 13 15:58:28 CST 2001

Joshua D Boyd, reeling from the shock, managed on Thu, Dec 13, 2001 at 03:02:12PM -0500 to scrawl:
> On Thu, Dec 13, 2001 at 01:39:47PM -0600, Amy wrote:
> > um, no offense, but once you cook on one, you wont go back to a ge or the
> > ilk. yes the stainless is a bitch to clean but thats why god invented sos
> > pads and elbow grease. lord knows cleaning stainless is easier than shit
> > thats been baked on an enamel coated rangetop.
> I better avoid vikings like the plague then, since it will be some time before
> I'm ready for that level of responsibility.
> Man, currently I use an enamel flat top range, and that thing is a bloody pain
> to clean.  I use something called Bar Keeps Friend which helps alot.  I've also
> taken to using a razor sometimes.  Still, Vikings look like they have lots of 
> nooks and crannies, which probably would be even more of a pain for me.
> <snip> 
> > one person made the big mistake of calling me a yuppie cook. once. i
> > cooked dinner for them. they apologized profusely and asked for leftovers
> > the next day.
> While we are on the topic, what is a yuppie anyway?  All I know is that 
> supposedly they drive SUVs or german cars, and buy Vikings.  The word 
> materialist seems to get used a lot also.

Ever see the movie "Best in Show"?  The couple with the Weimaraner,
they're stereotypical yuppies.  My take on the word is "Baby Boomers who
have sold out completely, and who strive to outdo each other in proving
how unlike their Cadillac-driving, steak-and-martini, WW-II-era parents they
are. Slavish conformists who think of themselves as daring and
unconventional. Often enamored of the appearance of being gourmets,
while completely misunderstanding the meaning of good taste."

> -- 
> Joshua D. Boyd
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