SUV's (was: Re: [geeks] new lists? 8-))

Peter L. Wargo geeks at
Thu Dec 13 16:35:39 CST 2001

On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, Kris Kirby wrote:

> Ahahahaha! Someone who has an SUV --- and it's not an automatic! Next
> you'll be telling me the interior is *too* *good* to haul kids around
> in...

We have a 5-speed '94 toyouta 4Runner SR-5 (V6, with some minor mods).  In
its 131K miles, it has not only hauled us and the dogs around, but it has
been driven from Santa Fe to NY and back, gone off-road countless times,
(All ya gotta do is look at the skid plate under the transfer case.) and
been used to haul loads ranging from household moves to 1500lbs of floor
tile.  GREAT vehicle, and it's paid for.  

Our other car is a Volvo. :-)


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