[geeks] Run for your lives!! was:[Fwd: Re: SPAM: Via open proxy server of DEMON ADSL CUSTOMER]

Dave McGuire geeks at sunhelp.org
Thu Dec 13 17:57:04 CST 2001

On December 13, Peter L. Wargo wrote:
> > its antitrust case, the Bush administration has turned to Microsoft for
> > help in homeland defense. Richard A. Clarke, special presidential adviser
> > for cyberspace security, has picked Microsoft Chief Security Officer Howard
> > Schmidt to help design strategies to protect US computer systems from hack
> > attacks by al Qaeda or other terrorist groups."
> Oh, we are *so* screwed...

  I'm glad I don't depend on any of that shit.

  It does seem, however, that this gives micro$oft free license to get
its grubby hands on as much of the federal government's money as it
wants!  Now they're free to say, "well, we're computer security
experts, you need to move EVERYTHING to our products or you will be

  Anguilla is looking better and better.

Dave McGuire
St. Petersburg, FL

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