[geeks] Happy Holidays, everyone.

Gregory Leblanc geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Dec 17 01:55:26 CST 2001

On Sun, 2001-12-16 at 21:51, D.A. Muran-de Assereto wrote:
> > From: Bryan Fullerton <bjf at samurai.com>
> <snip> 
> > I like my TiBook. Didn't even bother installing Classic, and formatted
> > the drive as UFS - don't even try telling me it's not *NIX. :)
> Interestingly enough, Apple recommends that you NOT use UFS with OSX.
> Something to do with integration, and UFS not supporting all the cool
> metadata that MacOS applications need. They also say it's slower than HFS+.
> I tried a ufs-only install, and some of the Carbon-ized apps I use didn't
> care for it. Went back to HFS+ for the nonce, although it may be foreever if
> the group of Mac developers on comp.sys.mac.system get their way; they're
> petitioning Apple to *keep* the resource forks and all that non-UNIX stuff.

Apple had darn well better keep all that stuff, it's most of what MacOS
has done perfectly.  File extensions, and even the information that
programs like file can spit out about files don't hold a candle the
resource forks on MacOS.  I just wish I could get those on my Linux
desktop, and have things take advantage of them...

Portland, Oregon, USA.

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