[geeks] .uk DVD-ROM drives?

David Cantrell geeks at sunhelp.org
Tue Dec 18 13:47:53 CST 2001

On Tue, Dec 18, 2001 at 12:50:45PM -0600, Bill Bradford wrote:
> I've got a need to watch/rip some DVDs that are only available in
> the UK; anybody over there know where I can get a cheap region-2
> IDE/ATAPI DVD-ROM drive via mailorder, or have someone over there 
> pick one up and ship it to me?
> (Tried the region-free hack for my Mac Cube's DVD-ROM, but it didnt
>  want to play nice with the Apple DVD player after that..)

I use RegionX to twiddle my region in OS X just fine in my ibook.  However,
if you really can't get it working, try scan.co.uk and dabs.com.  I'd be
shocked if they won't ship internationally, but if they won't then have 'em
deliver to me and I'll ship it onwards.

Or I could just go and get one on the cheap at a market for you.  Won't
be able to do that until January though.

David Cantrell | david at cantrell.org.uk | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

  I often reflect that if "privileges" had been called "responsibilities"
  or "duties", I would have saved thousands of hours explaining to people
  why they were only gonna get them over my dead body. 
                 -- Lee K. Gleason in comp.org.decus

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