[geeks] fantasy christmas wish lists

Ron Rosson geeks at sunhelp.org
Wed Dec 19 08:33:50 CST 2001

s at avoidant.org writes:
 > Bill Bradford wrote:
 > > Okay, if everyone could get ANYTHING computer-related they wanted for
 > > christmas, what would it be?
 > I'm easy. Any small (1 or 2U) rack-mountable server'll do. If it's a
 > Sun, that's a bonus. I need something to colo.
 > Otherwise... an Ultra 80?

I forgot one thing, 

  Memory for my SPARC 10 Collection. I have 3 Machines 2 of which are
  only sporting 64Megs and the last one has none. Also forgot the
  Creator 3d card that my Ultra1 is dying for.   ;-)


Ron Rosson                                    ... and a UNIX user said ...
The InSaNe One                                        rm -rf *
insane at oneinsane.net                        and all was /dev/null and *void()

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