[geeks] FEA

Dave McGuire geeks at sunhelp.org
Thu Dec 20 02:34:27 CST 2001

On December 20, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> Can anyone recommend any introductory texts on finite element analysis.  I
> seem to remeber hearing someone here mention working with it.
> I've been coming across work on simulating soft tissues with it, but I want to 
> learn more about how to actually pull off such a stunt, preferably with a 
> reasonably low level of CPU power.

  I'm interested in this as well, Josh...please summarize any off-list
responses that you receive...More specifically, I'm looking for a
*practical* FEA book for non-mathematicians.  Fewer equations, more
pseudocode. :) I finally found a good DSP book that meets those
requirements, now I'm looking for something on FEA.


Dave McGuire
St. Petersburg, FL         "Less talk.  More synthohol." --Lt. Worf

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