[geeks] Just a reminder

Bill Bradford geeks at sunhelp.org
Fri Dec 28 16:44:23 CST 2001

On Fri, Dec 28, 2001 at 02:24:11PM -0800, Daniel Johannsson wrote:
> I started wondering about this since you are mentioning other forms
> of entertainment similar to the list.  Is/are there any irc channels
> /servers where any significant amount of the geeks/rescue crowd hangs
> out?

irc.mrbill.net, channel #sunhelp

I'm "mr_bill" and usually in #unix.  If you come into #unix, be sure
and let me know who you are, from the lists, so I can hold the dogs back 
(its a semi-private network, so we start asking questions if someone suddenly 
signs on from out of nowhere). 8-)


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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