[geeks] Re: [rescue] PowerMac RAM/VRAM?

Dave McGuire geeks at sunhelp.org
Sat Jul 7 14:34:47 CDT 2001

On July 7, james at foonly.com wrote:
> > Anybody got RAM (or also, 2 megs VRAM) for a PowerMac 7600 lying
> > around?  Uses the same RAM as a PM5400, 6500, 7300, 7500, 8500,
> > 8600, 9500, or 9600.
> You can use DIMMs from a SS4/SS5 in these if you have any floating around.
> The Sun DIMMs have parity but the PowerMacs will just ignore it.

  I have never gotten SS5 memory to work in a 7500...I've tried many
of them.  You've had better luck?

        -Dave McGuire

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