[geeks] Fwd: [cfgeeks] The new Enterprise

Gil Young geeks at sunhelp.org
Tue Jul 10 14:26:35 CDT 2001

Now this is definitely geek-worthy!

>To: cfgeeks at yahoogroups.com
>From: "Kevin M. Korb" <kmk at sanitarium.net>
>Subject: [cfgeeks] The new Enterprise
>There is now a picture available of the new Enterprise (NX01) from the new
>Star Trek series that will start in the fall.
>         Kevin Korb                      Phone:    (407) 513-7732
>         Senior Systems Administrator    Internet:
>         Maxcess, Inc.                   kkorb at maxcess.net  (work)
>         Orlando, Florida                kmk at sanitarium.net (personal)
>         Web page:                       http://www.sanitarium.net/
>         PGP public key available on web site.
>Where the Central Florida geeks hang out...
>Kevin Inscoe (kevin at inscoe.org) - Listmom
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Gil Young
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Version: 3.12
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