[geeks] dumbass recruiters... (take 3?)

Michael S. Schiller geeks at sunhelp.org
Wed Jul 11 01:50:27 CDT 2001


I thought I'd seen your name somewhere before! I used to be on GEnie all
the time! I know I've been in the UnixRT, but can't for the life of me
remember what other RT's I was involved in. I have a friend that was one
of the sysops in the GermanRT (don't remember it's actual name).


"Peter L. Wargo" wrote:

> On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, Joshua D. Boyd wrote:
> > Yeah?  What's the problem?  Linux has been public for nearly 10 years
> > (definately ten by the end of August).  And 4 years seems vaguely
> > reasonable for hard tasks.
> Lessee, I remember doing a chat session or two with Linus on GEnie way
> back then, so I guess it would be possible to do 10 years, but at least
> back then he controlled the kernel...
> (Anybody even remember GEnie?  I was a sysop on the Unix RT...)
> -Pete
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