[geeks] *sigh*

Kurt Huhn geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Jul 16 20:42:19 CDT 2001

1. I agree - too long, but only because of selfish reasons.  I have two
kids, and a month without a mommy is too much - heck, a couple hours without
the mommy is too much!
2. Also, because I'd miss her too much - I've grown accustomed to her
company ;)
3. okay, but what would the termination charges look like?  Can't you get a
service plan modification for an existing cell phone on a  temp basis?
4. just be rude, and say "haw haw haw" through your nose - you'll be okay.

One word - trust.  I can see your POV though.  I dislike it on the once per
year occasions when Karin goes out with her sister.  I prefer it when her
sister watches the kids and Karin and *I* go out.

FYI:  This is never a good discusion to have with your significant other.
Shit, I've been married just over five years and I still hate conversations
like that.  Normally, when she says she wants to go out with her sister I
say something like "I'm not comfortable with this, but trust that you'll be
responsible in your activities."  She says the same thing to me if I want to
go out with the guys.  Odd thing is, if it's daylight out, neither of us has
a problem.  For instance - I play paintball a couple times per month on
Sunday mornings - Karin has no problem (except she wants to go too).  If
Karin wants to go to the mall during the afternoon, I have no problems.  Odd
that darkness should bring out our fears...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Bradford" <mrbill at mrbill.net>
To: <geeks at mrbill.net>
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 8:59 PM
Subject: [geeks] *sigh*

> Okay.  Amy wants to go on a trip to France.  I have some
> concerns.  Feedback appreciated.
> 1.  She wants to go for a month.
> 2.  She wants to rent an apartment
> 3.  She wants to get a cellphone while she's there.
> 4.  She wants to go alone.
> And my concerns:
> 1.  Too long.  I'd pine away and die.  Not to mention the cost.
> 2.  *sigh*  A month is too long.
> 3.  Probably not a problem.
> 4.  I worry that two years of high school french aint gonna cut it.
> Plus, this is the woman who sometimes makes me kill bugs.  I dont
> know about letting her go to a foreign country by herself.  She
> might get mugged/robbed/raped/accosted by a handsome frenchman.
> or something.
> bill
> --
> Bill Bradford
> mrbill at mrbill.net
> Austin, TX
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