[geeks] *sigh*

Phil Brutsche geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Jul 16 21:05:49 CDT 2001

Hash: SHA1

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> Okay.  Amy wants to go on a trip to France.  I have some
> concerns.  Feedback appreciated.
> 1.  She wants to go for a month.
> 2.  She wants to rent an apartment
> 3.  She wants to get a cellphone while she's there.
> 4.  She wants to go alone.
> And my concerns:
> 1.  Too long.  I'd pine away and die.

I think most guys would if their wife went overseas for a month without

> Not to mention the cost.

And you need a new car.

> 2.  *sigh*  A month is too long.


> 3.  Probably not a problem.


> 4.  I worry that two years of high school french aint gonna cut it.

No it's not.  Three, maybe four years of HS french, but not two.
*Especially* if Amy's someplace in her 20's and hasn't had much exposure
to French in 4 years or more.

Hell, I had 4 years of Russian in high school (4 years ago!) and I would
have been insane to try to go then; if I went now they'd institutionalize

> Plus, this is the woman who sometimes makes me kill bugs.  I dont know
> about letting her go to a foreign country by herself.  She might get
> mugged/robbed/raped/accosted by a handsome frenchman.

Let's see:

1) Alone
2) Barely knowing the language
3) In a strange country

If she was my wife she wouldn't be going.

- -- 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Phil Brutsche				    pbrutsch at tux.creighton.edu

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