[geeks] RE: [geeks] Re: [geeks] Re: [geeks] Re: [geeks] T H E  b r i Q

Ken Hansen geeks at sunhelp.org
Wed Jul 18 15:48:33 CDT 2001

I think CompUSA has a dual-head GeForce2 card for about $80 (PCI) in =
their latest circular...


-----Original Message-----
From: ward at zilla.nu [mailto:ward at zilla.nu]
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 4:07 PM
To: geeks at sunhelp.org
Subject: [geeks] Re: [geeks] Re: [geeks] Re: [geeks] T H E=A0=A0b r i Q

On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 03:35:08PM -0400, joshua d boyd wrote:

> Yeah, I know, but what are people with Alphas, pre AGP G4s (not to =
> G3) Macs, Briqs, Suns, IBMs, etc supposed to do for video?  Not to =
> people who want great performance on a dual or triple head system.

I have a feeling that's a very limited market for new cards.  You can
still find GeForce2 cards in PCI, but they're very hard to find due to
limited production, and I understand that they barely sold when first=20

You can still find good PCI video, just usually not 3D super gaming =
stuff, and those cards are darn-near useless in a non-PC anyway.  I
mean, what good does a GeForce do you in an IBM, Briq, Sun, or the =
Gives you decent 2D, but that's it.

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