[geeks] MacOS X

Mike Hebel geeks at sunhelp.org
Fri Jul 20 13:57:12 CDT 2001

HSJ> David, were you the one trying to revive an SE with CDROM? If so, look here:

HSJ> http://www.accesscom.com/~gamba/

HSJ> You should be able to find a boot disk that will get you going. This has
HSJ> been a handy page for me!

HSJ> Steve

HSJ> _______________________________________________
HSJ> GEEKS:  http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/geeks

I was the one actually looking for this - thanks!

A side note: This page has quite a few OS things on it.  If you want
them you better hurry.  I've been watching Apple "Cease & Desist"
pages like this out of existence over the last couple of months.

Seems Mr. Jobs "Personal Reality Distortion Field" ,which allows him to
make any decision at Apple look good to Apple despite how bad it is in
reality, is running at 110%.  It's running so good he thinks he can
pretty much cut down anybody who's supporting old versions of Mac OS
regardless of if the machines are still in use.

Mike Hebel                          mailto:drone8of9 at crosswinds.net



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