[geeks] Network Solutions rant

Geoff Reed geeks at sunhelp.org
Sat Jul 21 02:00:16 CDT 2001

Heck, they are getting into the domain brokering business themselves, Imy 
wife was looking for a domain for her brothers security business... turns 
out the .COM version was registered all right... to Network Solutions :(

At 11:32 PM 7/20/01 -0400, you wrote:
>I feel your pain, their response of "let it expire and re-register" is
>sooooo unprofessional of them. I use domainmonger.com for all of my new
>domains now, one day I will transfer all of my NSI domains over.  Now that
>they dont do PGP for domain protection, they are basically like most other
>OpenSRS domain vendors.
>Gil Young
>Call Sign: KG4KVX
>"No, I didn't. Honest. I ran outta gas. I had a flat tire. I didn't have
>enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners.
>  An old friend came in from outta town. Someone stole my car.
>There was an earthquake, a terrible flood, locust's. It wasn't my fault!!"
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Brian Hechinger <wonko at arkham.ws>
>To: <geeks at sunhelp.org>
>Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 9:01 PM
>Subject: [geeks] Network Solutions rant
> > is it time to hack these pig fuckers?  they screwed up the domain record
> > arkham.net when the switch from InterNIC to NSI was made.  i've been
> > with them ever since to get my domain back.  my last round was to let it
> > expire and re-register it (with someone else, there was no way in hell
> > jackasses are getting another fucking dime outta me) so that's what i did.
> > it expired in march.  that was, what? four fucking months ago?  i tried to
> > register it in march, no dice.  so i tried every week since.  so i tried
> > register it last thursday, and nothing, still "under my control", so i
> > again today, a guess what, some domain whore (domaindeluxe.com) registered
> > on friday the 13th.
> >
> > or course he wants an unreasonable amount for it which i refuse to pay,
> > is it just me, or is NSI doing stuff that just doesn't seem legit?  my
> > expired in march.  why was i unable to register it in march?
> >
> > it's time to dust off my hacking skills, that and save up for a couple
> > name, networksolutionssuckmyass.com is unregistered. :)
> >
> > -brian
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