To whoop Ken's ass (was: Re: [geeks] Trade U30 for G3 mac B&W ?

Ken Hansen geeks at
Mon Jul 23 17:12:10 CDT 2001

In my book, there are a few things you should always buy new:

	Porches (in theory, haven't bought any yet...)
	Spouses (based on a limited sample size of *one*!)

A good monitor, keyboard, and mouse will last for years - my IBM keyboards will *never* die... (haven't yet!)


-----Original Message-----
From: joshua d boyd [mailto:jdboyd at]
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 6:01 PM
To: geeks at
Subject: Re: To whoop Ken's ass (was: Re: [geeks] Trade U30 for G3 mac
B&W ?

I'm actually watching ebay for an SGI mouse (non
USB) to go for sale.  Time to get a better mouse.

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