[geeks] UPS and shipping morons
D.A. Muran-de Assereto
geeks at sunhelp.org
Sat Jul 28 23:48:24 CDT 2001
You DO NOT want to know what packing and shipping on the Cube cost me....
Delivery in Miami (zip 33178) is a strange thing most times, anyway. The
Office decided that I had moved once, and held my mail until I got curious
to the lack of normal bills, and asked the postman about it.
I've had delivery probs with all of the major carriers, ranging from
to outright rudeness to my wife. I had a Sun 24" shipped to me via Airborne
and the delivery guy refused to bring it to the apartment. He told my 5'2",
100 lb
wife that she had to hump the monitor up three flights of stairs, and, that
if she didn't,
he would take it back to the warehouse for me to go pick up later. All this
he didn't bring a dolly....They reimbursed me half the shipping costs on
that one.
UPS gave my thousand-dollar, insured 4700 tape drive to someone random who
was kind
enough to let me know it was at their house. No notification from them; all
they told
me was that they had fulfilled their commitment.
FEDEX is just as bad...they have said I refused delivery on heavy stuff they
want to lug up three flights, and returned it to the sender. This is all
stuff, mind you.
Dave Muran
(the other Dave M.)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: geeks-admin at sunhelp.org [mailto:geeks-admin at sunhelp.org]On Behalf
> Of Bill Bradford
> Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2001 22:01
> To: geeks at mrbill.net
> Subject: [geeks] UPS and shipping morons
> (note: MBE = Mail Boxes Etc., www.mbe.com)
> MBE *blows*. They charged me $38 today, to do the following:
> - single-layer bubble wrap U30
> - put U30 in box with peanuts
> - double-box that box in another w/peanuts
> - bubble-wrap laptop case and put in box w/peanuts
> THEN, after they had all this packed, they tell me that
> the only method they have that will ship to ZIP 33178 is
> FedEx, which *starts* at $150 for 3-day for the single U30
> box. WTF? UPS *owns* MBE, and *they* cant even ship UPS?
> I tell them never mind, pay for the packing (which is ridiculous,
> part of it is a $10 "labor charge", and *I* was the one who had
> to put the U30 in the first box, THEN put the second box in the
> first one, because the counter chick couldnt lift it!). I put the
> boxes in the back of Amy's car, and we went to the local pack and
> ship place that I frequent (and should have gone to anyway).
> After lambasting me for even THINKING of going to MBE (which was
> well deserved.. *grin* I've been going to Drive-Thru Postal since
> March of '99 for *all* the shipping/mailing I do), they pulled up
> the address on the computer and said "Sure, UPS ground, not a problem".
> I'm *never* going near MBE again. What a bunch of overcharging, clueless
> fucks (turns out they charged me $14 for a box that my normal place
> charges $5 for...).
> *grumble*
> Reminds me of the time that UPS roached a 9G SCSI HD I sent to someone.
> After processing the claim, they took a MONTH to get my refund check
> to me - and this is after they *sent it to the wrong address* twice!
> I called them on the phone and suggested that they send it to me
> via FedEx Overnight Letter - so I'd be *sure* to receive it... The
> lady on the other end was NOT pleased.
> I've also had UPS deliver things addressed to me to the ENTIRELY WRONG
> house. Not just next door, or across the street, but 3 or 4
> blocks away. Tracking would say "delivered", I'd call them up "yo,
> there aint a package on my porch". They'd say "oh, thats at xxxx
> Qual Creek, it was delivered." I'd drive over to wherever, pick up
> my package off the porch, and look at the address - yep, my correct
> TO THE RIGHT ADDRESS, if they *knew* where it was delivered! Things like
> a wedding dress, a Plextor 8/4/32 cd-rw, etc.
> (oh, BTW, *always* double-box computers when using UPS or any other
> "oops" carrier - see
> http://content.sunhelp.org/boards/tn/ultra30case.jpg.html for what
> happens when an Ultra30 isnt properly packed and then the box is
> beat up by the shipping goons... fortunately its a replaceable side
> panel and no interior/structural damage; purely cosmetic..)
> bill
> --
> Bill Bradford
> mrbill at mrbill.net
> Austin, TX
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