back to the original Q: was Re: [geeks] Etiquette

Brian Hechinger geeks at
Sun Jul 29 00:52:27 CDT 2001

On Sat, Jul 28, 2001 at 10:22:29PM -0700, Peter L. Wargo wrote:
> > TKE - never finished pledging, lost interest in the stupidity of about
> > *half* the brothers... just remained friends with the few I liked.
> Delta Phi, same deal - I had a 1.412 my first semester, decided to get
> smart...

Theta Xi, never pledged.  didn't even go to that branch (P$U) but they were an
excellent group of guys.  hung out there a lot.  motorola assembly programming
was a hot topic during socials.  why get drunk when you can be a geek while
you are getting drunk. :)


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