[geeks] Introductions (was Re: Etiquette)

Ron Rosson geeks at sunhelp.org
Sun Jul 29 01:13:35 CDT 2001

* Peter Wargo (pwargo at basenji.com) [010728 22:37]:
> O.K., I suppose I should step up to the mike...

OK, I guess it is my turn.... 

 I got to know Pete from when he relocated to San Diego. ( I was the
 system/network admin for the ISP he signed up with ) For the people who
 know Pete's network it is no simple thing to just plugin and go. Well I
 handles all the intricate details to get basenji.com's internet
 connection where it is today. That was the job I had then. 

 Since then I haved moced on to a fortune 300 company  ( SAIC ) todo
 Data Security Analysis. ( It is never boring ).  Pete is the one who
 turned me on to SUN hardware and Bills list. For that I owe him thanx.

 I guess you could say If I had a mentor for my involvemnet in SUN
 hardware it would be Mr. Peter Wargo. I dont regret it and I am glad
 that I had such a kind person to show methe capabilities of what a
 properly configured SUN machine can do,

Ron Rosson          			      ... and a UNIX user said ...
The InSaNe One                 			      rm -rf *
insane at oneinsane.net     	            and all was /dev/null and *void()
           Intel: where Quality is job number 0.9998782345!

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