[geeks] woah, NPR

geeks at sunhelp.org geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Jul 30 16:41:44 CDT 2001

mrbill at mrbill.net writes:

>There was an article in the weekend Austin-American Statesman 
>about Majestic (www.majestic.ea.com), and I had a short blurb
>from an interview I'd done with the author of the article.

>Just a few minutes ago, NPR called me here at work, and interviewed
>me for "All Things Considered".  It was mentioned in the AAS article
>that I worked for Broadwing here, so I guess thats how they got my
>work number.

>It will be interesting to see how I sound on the radio. 


I get radio interview requests once or twice a year because of a
little side-project of mine called FELFAT.

I always refuse: I only do email interviews.

-------- David Fischer --------- dave at cca.org --------- www.cca.org --------
-------- If it wasn't for good luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all. -------

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