[geeks] WTB: digital camera

geeks at sunhelp.org geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Jul 30 18:03:57 CDT 2001

nospam at frenzy.com writes:

>1. i don't like change.
>2. i want a mavica.
>3. see #2.

I have a Mavica 73. It's fantastic. Floppies are great. I've been 
thinking about buying a higher-end model, since 640x480 is beginning
to be ploblematic.

(Also, if my 73 was a "backup" camera, I could risk it's life and
get some good shots at live shows. That would be nice.)

-------- David Fischer --------- dave at cca.org --------- www.cca.org --------
-------- If it wasn't for good luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all. -------

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