[geeks] WTB: digital camera

James Fogg geeks at sunhelp.org
Tue Jul 31 07:56:02 CDT 2001

I have both a Mavica (one of the "superdrive" model that writes twice as fast)
and a Cannon *something*350.

The cannon uses CF and the Mav is, of course, floppy. My wife uses the Mavica
because she likes keeping stuff on floppy. I used to dislike the Cannon cause I
didn't have a CF reader and the serial link took forever. I found the serial
problem was a hosed interface on the PC, so that was solved. I hope to get a CF
reader soon.

I find the Cannon takes slightly better pictures, but the Mav has many more
pixels (figure that out). The cannon is also better at richer color and has a
closeup (like 1 inch) focus mode (great for documenting odd features on a
circuit board).

Of the two, I'd take the Cannon. Besides, its mucho smaller, since it doesn't
have big-'ol floppy drive in it.
	 James D. Fogg, Network Engineer
	Vicinity Corporation - Lebanon, NH

     DESK (603) 442-1751 - CELL (603) 252-1864
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