[geeks] soda pop

Kurt Mosiejczuk geeks at sunhelp.org
Tue Jun 12 10:00:27 CDT 2001

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001, Bill Bradford wrote:

First, my favorites:
	Mountain Dew (the original only)
	IBC root beer
	Empire Brewing's Microbrew Root Beer[1]

> My favorites:
> 	Mt. Dew / Cherry ("Red Zone") Mt. Dew

I've taken a poll around here at work, and nobody seems
to like the cherry stuff.  I don't hate it, but wouldn't
choose to buy it after my first purchase.  Here at work,
so far it is 50/50 don't care / hate it.

> I'm also a fan of strange oriental drinks and of the new
> "energy drinks" that have come out in the past couple of
> years.  My favorite is KMX (orange-flavored), but Red Bull
> produces the best energy buzz, even tho it tastes like
> bubble gum...

I've only tried Red Bull and Sobe Adrenaline Rush.
I far prefer the Sobe stuff, but around here, it tends
to run $2 a can... and I don't like it THAT much =)


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