[rescue] Re: [geeks] THIS. MAKES. ME. SICK.

David Michaud geeks at sunhelp.org
Wed Jun 13 14:27:45 CDT 2001

"Joshua D. Boyd" wrote:
> So, anyway.  Why hasn't anyone ever made a low cost vector machine.  Say
> one that could be sold for under $5k?
> We just need a few people with some money to design a chip that works
> decently with only a 33mhz frontside bus, yet manages to perform at least
> as fast a P2, and would be safe to put in SMP.  I wonder how hard it is to
> design CPUs...

What about the Xilinx FPGA reconfigurable supercomputers? Ability to do
a single function _really_ fast, and reconfigure itself to do something
else... _really_ fast. Of course, this is scalar, not vector. Not sure
about the feasibility, but it's certainly an idea.


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