[geeks] Re: [rescue] RE: Small schools...

Joshua D. Boyd geeks at sunhelp.org
Tue Jun 19 10:36:37 CDT 2001

As we are no longer even talking about computers or electronics, I'm only
following up to geeks.

On Tue, 19 Jun 2001, David Cantrell wrote:

> [lets take this to geeks]
> "Ken Hansen" <n2vip at bellatlantic.net> wrote:
> > Well, when the drinking age is 21, and the average student enters school
> > when they are 18, that they allowed any acohol on campus was very, um,
> > permissive.
> Presumably this is only a problem for the university if they explicitly
> permit it.  So surely it would make sense to not mention it at all.
> of course, IANAUSL (or indeed a L of any kind).


> Again, I really don't see that it is the university's problem if a student
> gets killed because they're intoxicated.  Is it the university's problem
> if I overdose on sleeping tablets?  Or on smack?  Or if I have a traffic
> accident on-campus whilst under the influence of $other_recreational_drug?


Actually, despite being 18, 18year olds aren't really considered
competent, and hence schools can, on occasion, be held responsible by
parents for the kids actions.  Something or other about failing to provide
a safe place to live.  I don't know if any of these suits have ever won in
court, but court is still darn expensive, win or loose.

Likewise schools have, I beleive, been sued for rapes and suicides.

Dealing with how these issues should stand legally is tricky.  Does a
judge decide that people legally adults should be held soley responcible
for their actions, or does the judge decide that people are idiots and
that the government needs to step in?  Obviosly, kids will drink, and the
government has been unsuccessful at stopping it, but they can try and put
the presure on someone else who can be more effective.  Likewise, if the
bars local to my school don't co-operate (read take orders from) with the
school, the state liquor board gives them a real hard time.  So, there now
is a new agreement with the school about not giving 21year old guys more
the something like 2 shots a night (to prevent the 21shots thing).

> > This was really a policy that was only actively enforced when there were
> > other problems - the campus security didn't do suprise inspections...
> Oh so that makes it alright.  Imagine the outcry if $outrageous_law was
> put on the statute books "but we won't enforce it".

BTW, in the distric of columbia (the US capital city), it is a felony to
cheat on your wife.  Felon's aren't allowed to be president.  Connect
those two together with the previous president. 

Joshua Boyd

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