[geeks] Big Damn File System....

Joshua D. Boyd geeks at sunhelp.org
Fri Jun 22 13:19:11 CDT 2001

Linux has software raid, at least enough to do striping and mirror easily.
I don't know how hard 5 is to get working.

If you head over to www.ibm.com/developerworks, IBM has some tutorials on
the topic.  You can even stripe a swap partition across drives and
controllers for extra performance.

I'd assume that you could do the same with NetBSD.  Getting some NetBSD
experience is very high on my list of things to do. 

Joshua Boyd

On Fri, 22 Jun 2001, Gil Young wrote:

> One of the reasons I prefer Solaris over other free OS'es is that it comes 
> with software RAID.  If there was such a beast for Linux on intel hardware, 
> i'd probably consider it for personal use.  But having a SS5 cycle system 
> running Sol 8 with mirrored drives, well, it makes me sleep so comfy at 
> night...
> At 09:07 AM 6/22/01 -0700, you wrote:
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Joshua D. Boyd [mailto:jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu]
> > >
> >[snip]
> > > hold more drives), a few cheapish SCSI drives, and a used
> > > Raid5 controller
> > > (those things can be had for under $100 on ebay!!!).  MP3s will always
> > > stay on cheaper IDE solutions, but I would like to get my data to
> > > something more fool proof.
> >
> >Depending on what you have for a machine, and you're looking for cheap...
> >I'd go for software RAID 5 over an older RAID 5 card.  The older cards were
> >pretty darn slow.  I haven't done much performance testing on SPARCs for
> >RAID 5, but a P-166, with decent SCSI hardware, is plenty fast enough for
> >doing RAID5, and NFS.  If you want really huge capacity, get a 3Ware IDE
> >RAID card, and throw a bunch of big IDE drives at it.  Oops, you got me
> >started on RAID...
> >         Greg
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