[geeks] Endnote for *nix?

Zach Malone geeks at sunhelp.org
Sun Jun 24 16:23:41 CDT 2001

    In this situation, he is being set up with my Athlon 1ghz @ 1.466ghz.  I
wish I could set him up with a nice Sun system, but the goal behind this is
to get him to abandon his Mac 9500, which has been upgraded so many times it
is becoming very unstable.  He is willing to participate in this, as long as
it costs him nothing, so I am loaning him hardware, and not purchasing it
(until I get him hooked at least =P).  Thanks for the suggestions, I'll look
into them.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Hansen" <Ken.Hansen at ICTI-USA.com>
To: <geeks at sunhelp.org>
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 6:57 AM
Subject: RE: [geeks] Endnote for *nix?

> What about the *roff programs (nroff/troff/etc?) There must be something
similar available as a set of macros fro the the above...
> Or, you could look for an older version of Framemaker for Solaris (I like
to get my hands on a copy too, if anyone has an old copy w/license kicking
around) it is a great documentation tool/word processor/formating
application, designed for large scientific/technical documentation. A
current copy of Frame is about $600 IIRC. See adobe.com for further info.
> HTH,
> Ken
> BTW, what speed is the workstation? ANything GUI would probably need a
good mid-range SS/10 or SS/20 for any sort of useful response time.
Nroff/Troff are text-based, so harder to use, but any SS/5 would be a nice
machine to use. Just curious...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Zach Malone [mailto:Diff at Mac.com]
> Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2001 6:30 AM
> To: geeks at sunhelp.org
> Subject: [geeks] Endnote for *nix?
> Hello,
>     Does anyone know of an equivalent of Endnote for *nix?  I am setting
up a workstation to replace (over time) my fathers Macintosh, and while I
have been able to find substitutes for all the other programs, I have not
found a program like endnote.  Endnote is a program which manages references
in papers, so that you can input all the refs, and then have Endnote format
your references for a specific scientific journal.  If anyone knows of such
a program, I would really appreciate it if you would help me out,
>     Zach
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