[geeks] Here are some geeks with too much time on their hands

David Cantrell geeks at sunhelp.org
Tue Mar 27 04:10:49 CST 2001

On Tue, Mar 27, 2001 at 01:47:07AM -0600, Mike Hebel wrote:
> >>"The Silicon Graphics Refrigerator Project"
> >>http://home.planet.nl/~mourits/koelkast/
> There's just something so cool about this. =-)
> Now if they could have only kept it functional AND working as a fridge -

Maybe not *fully* functional, but I'm sure there's room in there for the
guts of an Indy.

David Cantrell | root at alphacomplex.org | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david/

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