[geeks] ping
Jonathan Katz
geeks at sunhelp.org
Thu Mar 29 23:29:24 CST 2001
Chris pointed out:
> >11 bytes from well-endowed.jewish-geeks.com.
> Jon, Jon, Jon,
> Don't you know, it's not healthy to express your envy and shortcom.. okay
> Ill rephrasse that... inadequacies in such childish ways ;-)
I have other, quality hostnames hosted off of corinne.cpio.org ( corinne-hst )
Some domains are mine, others are my lusers. Yes, I have lusers on my box:
1 jon at corinne:/home/jkatz% grep lusers /etc/group
But back to the domains I on and they own [ as truncated from my motd ]:
Jon's domains:
[] cpio.org [] jonworld.com [] jewish-geeks.com [] kalikco.com [] nads.net
[] bachelor-cooking.com [] naptown.org [] darpanet.net [] hollybygolly.com
[] mysocalledsexlife.com
Jason's domain:
[] reallyreallyreallysucks.com
Nina's (nina@) domains:
[] digitalillusion.org
Sam (thyla@) and Brendan's (brendan@) domains:
[] thyla.org jacked-in.org dustpuppy.org assbackwards.org outhouse.org
Jay's domain (jay@)
[] pedxing.org
Not all of those are backwards/fowards-- but all my lusers can receive
e-mail at those addresses. Let's find the reverses (because I'm not even
100% sure what they are.)
229 IN PTR well-endowed.jewish-geeks.com.
230 IN PTR corinne.cpio.org.
231 IN PTR please.fondle.my.nads.net.
232 IN PTR jonworld.com.
234 IN PTR circlecity.naptown.org.
235 IN PTR starving.because.of.bachelor-cooking.com.
236 IN PTR monica-lewinsky.reallyreallyreallysucks.com.
237 IN PTR kalikco.com.
238 IN PTR i-hate.mysocalledsexlife.com.
239 IN PTR thyla.org.
240 IN PTR mycroft.jacked-in.org.
241 IN PTR ns1.jacked-in.org.
242 IN PTR digitalillusion.org.
243 IN PTR the.linux.kernel.is.assbackwards.org.
I only came up with the hostnames for my domains, not the other ones.
Maybe Freud would have a lot to say? I did have an
'allyourbasearebelongto.jonworld.com' for a short point in time (before it
was k-lined from various IRC servers.)
In good news, the girl I met at DNB and I have 'made contact' since I'm back
in Indy and she's back in her hometown. The plot thickens. (Some of you know
the story, some don't-- it's a classic pick-up-in-bar/mruphy's-law thing.)
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