[geeks] FTP daemons?

Greg A. Woods geeks at sunhelp.org
Thu Nov 1 11:59:37 CST 2001

At 03:09 AM 11/1/2001 -0600, Bill Bradford wrote:
> Any good recommendations for FTP daemons?

I would most strongly recommend LukemFTPd:


It's basically NetBSD's ftpd with GNU Autoconf portability added on.

> I'm currently using
> ProFTPD, but might be looking at alternatives.  I need to be able
> to chroot() *only certain users* to their home directories, but everyone
> else have "free reign" to change directories, etc.

from ftpd.conf(5):

     Each authenticated user is a member of a class, which is determined by
     ftpusers(5).  class is used to determine which ftpd.conf entries apply to
     the user.  The following special classes exist when parsing entries in
           all     Matches any class.
           none    Matches no class.

     Each class has a type, which may be one of:

           GUEST   Guests (as per the ``anonymous'' and ``ftp'' logins).  A
                   chroot(2) is performed after login.

           CHROOT  chroot(2)ed users (as per ftpchroot(5)).  A chroot(2) is
                   performed after login.

           REAL    Normal users.


     chroot class [pathformat]
           If pathformat is not given or class is ``none'', use the default
           behaviour (see below).  Otherwise, pathformat is parsed to create a
           directory to create as the root directory with chroot(2) into upon

           pathformat can contain the following escape strings:
                 Escape  Description
                 %c      Class name.
                 %d      Home directory of user.
                 %u      User name.
                 %%      A ``%'' character.

           The default root directory is:
                 CHROOT  The user's home directory.
                 GUEST   If -a anondir is given, use anondir, otherwise the
                         home directory of the `ftp' user.
                 REAL    By default no chroot(2) is performed.

and from ftpchroot(5):

     The file /etc/ftpchroot is used to determine which users will have their
     session's root directory changed (using chroot(2)), either to the direc-
     tory specified in the ftpd.conf(5) chroot directive (if set), or to the
     home directory of the user.  If the file does not exist, the root direc-
     tory change is not performed.

     The syntax is similar to ftpusers, except that the class argument is ig-
     nored.  If there's a positive match, the session's root directory is
     changed.  No further comparisons are attempted after the first successful
     match.  This syntax is backward-compatible with the old syntax.

there are a _lot_ more very well integrated features too!

							Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098      VE3TCP      <gwoods at acm.org>     <woods at robohack.ca>
Planix, Inc. <woods at planix.com>;   Secrets of the Weird <woods at weird.com>

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