[geeks] Mandrake 7.02 (air) modules floppy...

Mike Hebel geeks at sunhelp.org
Fri Nov 2 01:24:29 CST 2001

JM>  But have you considered trying slackware instead? It's pretty lightweight
JM> in comparison to some other distros. I've even managed to install a
JM> copy of slackware96 onto a 486/25 Compaq Contura laptop with only 4MB
JM> ram.

Slackware doesn't complete a boot on it, neither does FreeBSD, QNX,
Linux Care Debian for Laptops, SUSE 7.1 Pro.  Mandrake 7.02
boots but doesn't recognize the parallel port CD or either ethernet I
have for it without the modules disk.

This thing is weird - I personally consider it a challenge.
(Zenith Z-Note 433lnp+ - one of the old white ones. No PCMCIA. 8meg,
540 meg - I got more RAM coming from a friend.)

If something completes a boot on it often I have no way of loading it
except floppies - Debian 2.2.r3.  SUSE 6.4 completes the boot but will
not support either the pocket ethernet or the internal one without
re-compiling the kernel.  Storm Linux also does not support either the
pocket ethernet, internal ethernet, or the parallel port CD.
If I can get it loaded it doesn't support the ethernet - Open Linux 2.2
(2.0.36 kernel).  The funniest is loading NetBSD - it puts that machine
to sleep while booting the kernel - OpenBSD is similar.  Some APM bug

Right now I'm reading up on net-booting Solaris 7 Intel for it as that
at least recognizes the Xircom pocket adapter I have temporarily slapped
on the back and _may_ recognize the internal ethernet with a little work.

It's the weirdest thing - I've never run across a laptop that was so
hard to install an OS on.  Though I'm sure there's tougher things out
there. ;-)

Mike                         mailto:nimitz at owc.net

"Who needs sleep! Well, you're never gonna get it!
Who needs sleep! Tell me what's that for?" - Barenaked Ladies



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